FEE will be at COP22 in Marrakech




Copenhagen, November 2016  – the Climate Change Conference (COP22) will take place at Bab Ighli in Marrakech, Morocco from 7-18 November 2016.

The Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) is once again hosting a conference, this time the theme is: “Climate Change from school to home – Teaching children to modify family behaviour”. It will take place at the Green Zone on the 14th November from 17:00-18:30 (room: Tensift). The Green Zone is open for the general public by accreditation only. Please find more information about accreditation for the Green Zone here:

“Climate Change from school to home – Teaching children to modify family behaviour”

Article 6 of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change emphases the importance of education as a solution for climate change. Through FEE's experiences, we have been observing students of all ages are powerful agents of change: their education can impact the behavior of people close to them and move them towards more sustainable lifestyles and help to adapt to the consequences of climate change. The panel-format conference aims at exploring how this could be achieved in today’s educational systems, highlighting some good practices, addressing possibilities and the difficulties of multiplying the effects of environmental education outside of the school.

Foundation for Environmental Education will invite guest speakers playing different roles, e.g. student, educator, local government, civil society to share their experiences and thoughts around the theme.

Other events

FEE will be presenting at the Young Reporters for the Environtment (YRE) Workshop “Forum des Jeunes Reporters” which will take place on the 14th November from 9:00-10:30 (room: Moulouya). This event is hosted by our Moroccan Member organisation, Mohammed VI Foundation for The Protection of the Environment.

FEE is also invited to the high level session “Education - A Key Driver to Scale-Up Climate Action” in Blue Zone.

Please help us tweet this news using the hashtags #FEECOP22 #FEEClimateEducation


Contact: Yukiko Tsuburaya | E: yukiko@fee.global