FEE Response to the Climate Crisis

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The latest IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate clearly states our fragile Earth is now in perilous danger and that we humans are a major contributing factor. The clear consensus is we have less than a decade to wholeheartedly address the climate crisis to stay within the 1.5 degree temperature rise.

 Since 1981, the Foundation for Environmental Education has been working on a solution-based approach for creating a more sustainable world.  Through our five programmes, we have empowered people to take meaningful and purposeful action to look after our valuable finite natural resources by enhancing global environmental education.

 FEE is galvanised into action by this latest IPCC report and we are committed to sharing our knowledge and experience, so we can play our part in offering positive actions and solutions to the current climate crisis. We can, and will do more, and will now sharpen our own focus on three key themes: climate change, loss of biodiversity and pollution.

“There is a pressing need to prioritise FEE’s limited resources to focus on these three main themes that are intrinsically linked.  We have an important role to play in addressing the urgency of the situation and to commit to a strategy and approach that puts these critical issues at the heart of our programmes and our organisation,” says FEE President Lesley Jones.  

 For the last thirty eight years, FEE has been educating millions of people around the world to become leaders of sustainability and positive change. Now, together with the right knowledge and know-how, we can increase our contribution and push even harder as positive agents of change.

Our educational programmes, Eco-Schools, LEAF and Young Reporters for the Environment utilise a solution-based approach for empowering young children, youth and young adults to take meaningful action to protect our planet. And, our Green Key and Blue Flag initiatives promote sustainable business practices within the tourism industry.

Lastly FEE’s Global Forest Fund, to be re-launched in its upgraded form this November, will be a powerful tool for all to compensate travel-related emissions through our educational projects focused on school and community tree planting, providing further positive solutions to the climate crisis we are facing.      

Together we can all make a positive change on a global scale.